Security Accountability

The effectiveness of Fermilab’s Site Security and the protection standards required by the DOE are reliant upon individuals following security-related policies and procedures.

General information

Like safety, security policies and procedures are considered employment-related standards of conduct, and all employees and visitors are responsible and expected to adhere to them. These standards are communicated in accordance with Fermilab’s security awareness program, which includes training and messaging aimed at educating individuals at the lab on their role in complying with and supporting security program requirements.

Other means of communication include instructions provided by security personnel, security-related notices, signage, etc. Security incidents are detected by security officers at security posts, perform roving patrols, and monitor and respond to security alarms (among other activities). Security incidents can and should also be detected and reported by individuals on-site.

Security violations

Individuals found to be in violation of the site access and security policies and/or associated procedures will receive a Security Notice.

  • Security incidents meeting certain requirements are also reported to the DOE via the Incident of Security Concern program as required in DOE O 470.4B, Safeguards and Security Program.
  • Security Notices will be provided to the individual who is responsible for the violation and their immediate supervisor, ALD/SD, and HR business partner. Notices will be issued as soon as practical after the violation has been identified or reported.
  • SEMD staff will work with the employee’s line management and HR business partner to provide evidence of the violation (e.g., witness statements, data from various physical security systems, severity, and frequency).
  • Individuals with repeated or egregious violations may have access privileges temporarily or permanently suspended. Other corrective actions may be applied per management discretion.
  • Individuals involved in security violations may receive corrective action in accordance with the laboratory’s Policy on Progressive Discipline for Employees (Services log-in required) and progressive discipline may apply up to and including termination of employment.
  • Lab designated hosts are responsible for ensuring users/affiliates, subcontractors, and visitors under their auspices adhere to and follow Fermilab security policies and procedures. These individuals involved in security incidents may have their site access privileges temporarily or permanently revoked.
  • SEMD will record violations for the purposes of tracking security trend data to continuously improve the security program.