Fermilab is a federal facility and is under 24/7 video surveillance and security patrol. Members of the public seeking access to the site must follow specific requirements listed below. Persons, packages or vehicles entering or leaving Fermilab are subject to inspection or search to prevent the introduction of prohibited articles and the unauthorized removal of government property.
Persons, items carried by hand, packages, briefcases or vehicles entering Fermilab, as a condition of such access, are subject to random searches as ordered by the United States Department of Energy to ensure compliance of prohibited articles. A refusal to submit to a search shall result in denial of access to Fermilab, and administrative review for other actions may be warranted. Fermilab Security will perform random no-notice searches on entering or exiting vehicles.
Security gates
At the security gate, individuals requesting vehicular access to the Fermilab site are required to present a valid form of identification and to indicate the intent of their visit.
Types of acceptable identification are a current Fermilab ID badge, a DOE HSPD-12 badge, uniformed law enforcement officers with proper credentials, or a valid REAL ID-compliant document. Only original ID documents will be accepted; copies of ID documents will not be accepted.
All vendors must use the Wilson Street entrance and show a valid government ID and bill of lading.

Pickup and drop-off
If you are a Fermilab Village resident and are expecting a pickup or a drop off from a family member or friend, limousine, taxi or Uber/Lyft service or food or grocery delivery, notify the Security Operations Center (SOC) at access@fnal.gov or call 630-840-3414.
Drivers providing commercial services in public areas must present their REAL ID -compliant document at the security gate for site access. This category includes Uber, Lyft, limousine, taxi, hotel shuttle bus, and family member pickup/drop off.
If a driver does not have a form of REAL ID-compliant document, Security will issue a gate pass that must be displayed on the dashboard while on site. The driver must return the gate pass and exit through the same gate they entered. The gate pass is not valid for deliveries, except for food.
Badge appointments
If you are returning on site to work and need a new badge or have an expired badge, please make an appointment with the Campus Access Office via the badge appointment scheduler two business days in advance of your arrival. Authorized guests, users, affiliates, subcontractors and business visitors must go to the Fermilab Welcome and Access Center (Aspen East) to obtain their Fermilab ID badge or temporary badge after successfully passing through the security gates.
Appointments are not final until a confirmation email is received from CampusAccess@fnal.gov. The list of appointments will be sent to the SOC and ESH&Q/GERT (for subcontractor training) by 4 p.m. the prior business day to ensure gate access.
Contact the Campus Access Office at CampusAccess@fnal.gov or the Security department at access@fnal.gov with questions. For full details on the access process, please visit the homepage of this website to determine your access type. From there, you can navigate to the appropriate access type page.

Prohibited items and activities
Prohibited items
- Firearms, explosives and other dangerous weapons
- Illegal drugs and controlled substances
- Personal alcohol or marijuana
- Smoking and vaping within buildings and within 15-25 feet of entrances
- Instruments or material likely to produce substantial injury or damage to persons or property
- Other items prohibited by law
Review the Fermilab policy on access for more information (Services log-in required).
Restricted recreational activities
- Drones
- Fishing
- Ice skating
- Geocaching games
- Being under the influence of illegal drugs (including marijuana), alcohol or any other item prohibited by law is not permitted.
- Leashed dogs are permitted in designated outdoor public areas.
For information on public areas and allowable activities, please refer to the Fermilab site map.
Rules of the road and reporting accidents
While driving or riding your bike on the property, it’s essential to adhere to the Illinois rules of the road.
- Exercise caution and reduce speed when encountering the transportation of large or sensitive equipment.
- Exercise caution when encountering emergency vehicles.
- Speeding is prohibited, use responsible and safe driving practices to maintain a secure and efficient traffic flow.
- Use caution at all stop signs, road crossings and railroad crossings to ensure the safety of pedestrians and fellow drivers.
- Pay attention to road signs that prohibit public access. Stay on designated paths to avoid getting lost or entering unauthorized areas.
In the event of a vehicular accident, promptly report it by calling the SOC at 630-840-3414. Your cooperation ensures a swift and effective response to incidents on campus.
Please note that Fermilab does not provide personal vehicle unlocking or vehicle jumping. Individuals must call an off-site service.