Emergency services & preparedness (ESP)

Emergency Services and Preparedness (ESP) ensures that Fermilab is ready to respond and recover from technological threats, human-caused events, and natural disasters while coordinating resources across the site and public sector response organizations and maintaining mission continuity.









Fermilab’s Emergency Management is to provide an integrated, comprehensive emergency management program for Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Emergency Management is responsible for the preparedness, training, and coordination of emergency response and recovery efforts. The Emergency Management plans for natural, human caused event, or technology hazards that could adversely affect the employees and visitors and aims for sustainable operations. For more information about the program see Fermilab ES&H Chapter 2040.

Fermilab’s Fire Department is to protect the lives and property of every employee and visitor to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory from adverse effects of fire, medical emergencies, and exposures to dangerous conditions. The department supports particle physics and accelerator operations by safeguarding life, property and the environment. The department is dedicated to emergency response, prevention, preparedness, and education. For more information about the program see Fermilab ES&H Chapter 6010.

Fermilab’s Fire Protection program is to provide a level of life safety, property protection, and programmatic loss risk consistent with Highly Protected Risk (HPR) class of industrial risks. Such measures often promote fire protection mitigation to a greater degree than building and fire codes. This program forms the comprehensive foundation for fire loss prevention at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. To that end, the Fermilab Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (FESHM) 6000 Series describes the cross-organizational and requirements of the program.

Fermilab’s Security Department fosters an open, safe, and secure environment for Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory where scientific research can thrive. The Department respects the needs of the community and public; pledges to be diligent in the protection of people and property though loss control and preparedness. For more information about the program see Fermilab ES&H Chapter 1110.