

Clue 7 You did it, found clues, took a break, hooray! Exploring and learning, what a fun display! Return to the Atrium on the 27th of October, At noon where excitement will certainly sober. Meet the SEMD Management Team, you’ll see, They have your safety prize, a cause for glee. Thank you for joining, it’s a… More »

Cyber Team

Read the Following. You’ve entered the hunt, our joy is uncontained! Now let’s chat cybersecurity, where insights are gained. To stay well-prepared in this tech-driven domain, Explore the link below; it’s knowledge to sustain. Now, to a spot, perhaps unexplored. Where books are your friends, And PIP-II can be adored. Peer out the window looking… More »

On the road

Clue-4 On the road, with kindness, your path you trace, Wear your helmet with pride, it’s your safety’s base. A courteous ride, we all lovingly embrace. At Wilson Hall’s entrance three, a trusty bike space.  

Thanks for joining the competition! Please email Jessica Jensen 2 photos to complete your registration for the Snowman Building Competition: A photo of your snow creation: A photo of you with your snow creation: