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You’ve found the shelter, the perfect spot to cover, Now you’re prepared and can guide another. This tour’s been fun, with a safety refresher, SEMD is here for you, when you feel the emergency pressure. Now head to the SOC, where the next clue unlocks, And find the item that’s known to shock!


  You’re here! Take a look around,  Explore the space and all that’s profound. See DUNE’s progress, we’re brimming with pride,  As science and discovery continue to stride.  As you enjoy the sites, always keep safety in mind,  Make note of where all directional signs are aligned.  Your journey beyond here and to the last… More »

Global Services 2024

It’s with great pleasure we say you’ve finished the tour, You’ve visited shelters and AEDs, we’re talking safety culture. Beep, go inside, tell Tyrone or Artasia you’re done, Your trophy awaits for having this fun! To keep the journey going, join us for more, Global Services Bingo, Friday 10/25 at 3PM – don’t ignore! We… More »

SEMD on the 7th

We’re happy you’re here, and our team is near, Ready to assist to make everything clear. We’ve got materials from SEMD, Site guides for visitors and employees. We’re sustainable and resourceful, no doubt. Whatever the challenge, we’ll figure it out! We hope this scavenger hunt brings you delight, And helps keep key info in sight…. More »

Ready to save lives and keep hearts ticking?   Friends and Family CPR training is a must, no skipping!    You’ve reached the SOC, a place you might go,   For lost items, access, or vehicle stickers to show. They answer the call and dispatch with speed, Always on guard when emergencies need.   Next… More »

Thank you for joining the Security Awareness Scavenger Hunt!   You can start right now or any time you want. The first spot’s a repeat, but still worth a cheer, If a tornado looms, your choices are clear. In Wilson Hall, two storm shelters await, You’ve got both these options to keep you safe. Scan… More »

Tornado Shelter

The storm shelter in here can be your main or backup plan, If the other one’s closed or you need to replan. Note it in sight for next time’s flight. (WH E & W Side) And ask your manager for the exact location of the shelter, A bonus SEMD QR clue is there for your… More »